How do you build muscle and support recovery in your K9 partner?

Search dogs are elite athletes. We owe them the best care possible.

MYOS Animal Health is a cutting-edge pet supplement company that manufactures a proprietary supplement called Fortetropin® that has been proven in multiple veterinary and human clinical studies to help build muscle and improve recovery.

CFTE presents Dr. Jennifer Shults from Myos who shares new case studies and product updates on Fortetropin® and its role in supporting canine muscle health. Even if you are already using the product or attended their first webinar training, you won't want to miss this!

Support your dog's muscle health!

CFTE presents the team from MYOS Animal Health who share details on Fortetropin® and its role in supporting canine muscle health, recovery, and longevity.

This is a replay of a live webinar hosted on November 6, 2023.

Replay viewers are eligible to receive the special trial offer shared in this presentation.

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